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Abbot Lichfield Centenary

Thursday 24th November 2022

Over 40 Companions met on a rather wet and windswept night in Evesham to enjoy a wonderful spectacle of Freemasonry . The MEGS , the PGM, the Provincial Team were present as guests of the Chapter together with a galaxy of Grand and Provincial Grand Chapter Officers to partake in
their belated Centenary celebrations .

After the MEGS had welcomed all the Companions a beautiful Oration was delivered by E Comp Keith Evans the Provincial Grand Joshua.

The Centenary Warrant was then read by E Comp Brain Harper PGSE and then presented by the MEGS to the Three Principals together with Centenary Jewels to all Companions of the Chapter .

To cap the evening the MEGS promoted E Comp Richard Harper to
PGSN in recognition of all the hard work he has done over the years in
supporting the Chapter and the Province .

After the meeting closed thosepresent enjoyed a truly magnificent Festive Board . A truly memorable evening to mark the Centenary of a truly remarkable Chapter.

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