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Abbot LIchfield Chapter C3308

Excellent Double Exaltation 27/02/2020


With some 27 Companions in Attendance, including the Deputy Grand Superintendent, E. Comp. Michael D Cox, PAGSoj, accompanied by E. Comp. M. J. Hadden, PrDepDC, the Convocation witnessed an excellent Double Exaltation Ceremony to welcome Comps: S. Hillard and B. Large into the Order.

The MWS, E. Comp. P A Foulds together with the Principal Sojourner, S. Bretherton presented their work in exemplary fashion. The quality of the work was further demonstrated when E. Comps: Gerald Ricketts, PPrGSN and Richard Harper, PPrGSwdB presented the Mystical Lecture.

On completion the assembled company moved to enjoy a very good and convivial Festive Board.