Within the role of the Provincial Grand Charity Steward come occasions when the reality of how much tremendous work is done by those local charities and good causes we aim to support. Such was the case on a visit to the Acorns Children’s Hospice for the Three Counties in Worcester.
The Acorns hospice care team provides babies, children and young people aged 0 – 18 years who have life limiting or life threatening conditions and associated complex needs with a network of specialist palliative nursing care and support.
Currently over 210 children and more than 270 families are receiving this support from Acorns for the Three Counties.
With over 145 volunteers involved in a variety of tasks including housekeeping, reception, maintenance, gardening, they support the children and their families.
The facilities include activity rooms such as arts and crafts, a multi-sensory room, indoor soft play and outdoor play area.
There is also a computer den and young person lounge for our older clients. These special adolescent wings ensure privacy and a managed level of independence for the older children.
The hospice care team consists of paediatric palliative care nurses, health care assistants and physiotherapists who offer holistic care to each individual child that includes both support for their health needs and social and recreational activities.
Sometimes the word Hospice conjures an impression of a sad or depressing place where patients just come to die! BUT this is definitely not the case at Acorns, it is a place of joy and there is laughter around the children, who are there both as day-care or in-patients and their families
Accompanied by E.Comp. Charles Dyer, The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent presented Carol Pratt, the Fund Raising Development Manager, with a cheque from the Provincial Grand Chapter Charity Fund.

Please consider the Acorns for the Three Counties, Companions, for your future Alms collections and, maybe, ask for a “Match Funding” from the Provincial Grand Chapter Charity Fund to increase your donation for this deserving local charity.