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Arter Chapter C2654

Final Installation Convocation 14/12/2022

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Unfortunately three Resignations, (IPZ, MEZ and H meant that only 7 members of the Chapter, (including the Janitor) were present, so the Provincial Team, compriising the Deputy Grand Superintendent, E. Comp. Michael D. Cox, PGSwdB and the Acting Second and Third Provincial Grand Principals, E. Comps, Ian Fothergill, PAGSoj, PPrGJ and Barry Griffin, PGStdB, PPrGJ found themselves conducting most of the work, very ably assisted by E. Comp. Neill Crabbe, ProvADC, who acted as both Provincial and Chapter DC. This led them to Induct E. Comp. Greg Boughton, PPrGSN as MEZ, E. Comp. Harry Black, PPrGSwdB, as H and the Proclamation of E. Comp. Andy Middleton as J for a second year. This then allowed the Acting Third Provincial Grand Principal to take up the Office of Scribe N.

The Scarlet Robe was presented by the DepGS, the Purple by the MEZ and the Blue by the Third Prov.GP

A pleasant evening tinged with sadness given the Proposition to Close the Chapter due to their lack of viability. This meaning that the Final Meeting of this 103 year old Chapter, who have given great service to the Order in general and the Province of Worcestershire in particular, will Surrender their Warrant on 8th February 2023.

On completion of the Convocation, where the two Acting Provincial Principals acted as the "Luminaires" and the DepGS. conducted the Final Act. 11 Companions retired to a most enjoyable and convivial Festive Board and E. Comp. Harry Black made an appeal for a local Charity which raised £66,00