On the evening of Wednesday 23rd June Avon Chapter, No. 3569 met at the newlyrefurbished Evesham Masonic Hall. The purpose of the convocation was to elect and thenProclaim the three Principals for a further year. The members present also elected theTreasurer and adopted the audited accounts.In these troubled Covid times, there was a bare quorum but all was done with dignity and grace. The ritual was beautifully delivered and all business carried out with proper solemnity.Those pictured, from left to right, E.Comp. Paul W. Emmerson, H, E.Comp. Roger W. Cheney, PPrGReg, SE, E.Comp. Barry J. Griffin, ProvGJ, J, E.Comp. Peter L. Bullock, PPrGSN, DC and E.Comp. Brian P. Newbury, PPRGStdB, IPZ acting as MEZ. E.Comp. George W. Lamb, PPrGStdB, MEZ, was proclaimed in his absence as he is still shielding Avon Chapter from Covid infection.