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Bordesley Abbey C4495

Installation Convocation 20/03/2019


On Wednesday 20th March some 36 Companions attended the Installation Convocation of the Chapter held at Redditch Masonic Centre. 

The Provincial Team led by our Deputy Grand Superintendent in Charge, E. Comp. John M Phenix, PAGSoj, was accompanied by E. Comp. A John Yeates, 2nd Prov G Principal, PGStdB and E. Comp. Derek W. Owen, PGStB, acting as 3rd ProvGPrin very ably escorted by E. Comp. A. C. Bolton, ProvADC.

The Installation Ceremony saw E. Comp's. N. R. Matthews, installed as Z, W. G. Cox, H and D. Padmore, J.

It was a very happy Convocation and at the Festive Board the Alms collection of £194 is to be donated to the Acorns Children's Hospice via the Redditch Masonic Charity.