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Brandwood Chapter C7679

Installation Convocation 8th October


It was a great pleasure for the Provincial team, led by E. Comp. Colin P T Brown, MEGS, accompanied once again by the duo of E. Comps, Derek Owen, PGStdB, PPrGJ and Ian Fothergill,PGStdB, PPrGJ, acting as Second and Third Provincial Grand Principals, escorted by E. Comp. D Emery, ProvDepDC,

to enter Number 2 Room at Kings Heath to see some 29 Companions also in attendance. This included some 11 Visitors, 4 Acting Officers of the year, and 2 Companions holding the Certificate of Merit, providing excellent support to a Chapter which has worked very hard to retain its position.


With such an audience and with an excellent ambience the Convocation went extremely well. An SGC was presented to Comp. D.J.Roberts and then the assembled Companions witnessed a very good Installation ceremony with E. Comp's P Rodwell, SGLR PPrGSN (Warks), SLGCR, being Installed as Z, S. Jinks, as H and P Wintle, PPrGR, as J.


The evening was then further enhanced by an excellent Festive Board with some £300 being raised via the Alms Collection and a Raffle. The Charity Steward announced that the Provincial Chapter Charity Fund would receive a major part of this amount which would be enhanced by Gift Aid..