“ One of the MEGS principal initiatives has been to improve the Companions understanding of the Royal Arch ritual through education and training.
To this end we have pursued a number of projects as a Province including the Royal Arch Commentary ; the Commentary of the Ceremony of Exaltation and most recently Talking Heads.
For the last 3 years we have added to the mix the Provincial Chapter of Instruction .
On the 29 November 2018 at Wigornia Chapter Kings Heath the current and past officers of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Worcestershire will again be demonstrating the Ceremony of Exaltation performed in the Worcestershire Way.
The Team Leader of the Provincial Demonstartion and Presentation Team has kindly agreed to act as our narrator with the aim of helping Royal Arch Companions gain a greater understanding of this Ceremony and in particular the parts of the ritual which are unique to the Province of Worcestershire
We are also fortunate to have an experienced team of two Past Third Principals and an Deputy DC to occupy the Principals Chairs.
The Sojourners are Acting Officers of the Year and will be sharing the work in the manner encouraged by our MEGS
This is a great opportunity for those new to the Order or those experienced in Royal Arch ritual to come and see what makes Royal Arch Masonry in Worcestershire so special and unique.
This has always been a very popular meeting in the Masonic year so please book early to avoid disappointment .
Bookings can be directed to Sribe E of Wigornia Chapter ; email dofe2009@live.com or register your attendance and wish to dine electronically on https://goo.gl/forms/u2X6B1szNxFQfWD43.
It is a 5.45 for 6.00pm opening with the Festive Board costing £22
Please come a long and support the Provincial Grand Chapter of Worcestershire and the MEGS on this special evening.”