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Chapterof Dudley C252

Regular Convocation 25/01/2023

· Events

The Cahpter will meet at the James s. Webb Freemasons Centre, Stourbridge on the date shown.

The main items of Labour are to ballot for as Joining members – E Comp's Kenneth Roy Hingley,and Robert Nigel Collins, and Comp Alan Richard Payne.

This will be followed by a Declaration, subject toi any Ballot being called to Declare Elect the Three Principals for the ensuing year:- ‘MEZ’ - E Comp. R Crew; ‘H’ – E Comp M J Pickett; and ‘J’ – Comp K A Serrell and Treasurer E Comp. D. M. Edwards.

Visitors will be very welcome to attend and should contact the Chapter Scribe E.