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Installed First Principals Chapter

Update on November Convocation at Rainbow Hill~ 10th Nov 2018

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Companions All,

The November Convocation is due to take place on Saturday 10th November 2018 at Rainbow Hill, Worcester, commencing at 10:45 sharp.

This is a very important occasion and will include an Act of Remembrance for all those Freemasons who gave their lives not only 100 years ago but also since that time, in the service of their country. This will be followed by what are always inspirational talks by our Provincial Third Principal who on this occasion  will be recalling the "Miscellaneous Musings of a Country Vicar."

In order that we can ensure that you are properly catered for may we please request you send your acknowledgement and request for dining, or, if a Member, your Apology to either  the Asst Scribe E at or to Scribe E 

All Companions are welcome to attend.