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Installed First Principals Chapter C6889

Installation Convocation 15/06/2022

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Following the disruption caused by the suspension of activity due to the Covid Pandemic, the Installed First Principals Chapter took the decision to return to it’s normal Installation date, and so, on Wednesday 15th June some 59 Companions convened in Number 1 Lodge Room at Kings Heath to conduct their Installation. 

E. Comp. Eric Bourne, PAGSoj, Installed E. Comp. GerryJinks, PPrGSN, CM, as Z, who in turn Installed E. Comp. John Yeates, PAGSoj, PPrGH, H, followed by E. Comp. Geoff Weston, PGSwdB, PDepGrand Supt. J,  The ceremony was conducted to the usual very high standard, and it was a pleasure to welcome two of the Principals, E. Comp's David Ford, PGStB, H, Terry Neate, PGStdB, J, and David Hedley, PGStB, Scribe E who is also ProvDC, from Gloucstershire and Herefordshire Installed Principals Chapter.

On completion of the Meeting the Companions moved to Number 1 Dining Room to enjoy a very convival evening at the Festive Board.