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Kings Norton Chapter C4001

Exaltation Ceremony 11/03/2020


With some 18 Companions present, including the Provincial Third Grand Principal, E. Comp. Barry J Griffin, PGStB, the Past MEGS, E. Comp. Colin P T Brown, a member of the Chapter and E. Comp. L. Eric Bourne, PAGSoj, an invited Guest, together with E. Comp. Peter Barker, PPrGStB, the Provincial Representative, witnessed the three Principals, E. Comps. John Tristram, PPrGSN (Gloucs), Z, Tony Parkes, H and Alan Bolton, ProvAGDC, very ably assisted by E. Comp. Mark Wainwright, ProvGStwd, as Principal Sojourner, conducted a first class Exaltation Ceremony for Comp. S J Bumford. 

The Mystical Lecture was given by E. Comp. Joseph F K Marzouk, PPrGSwdB.