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Lechmere-Hughes Volunteer C 1874

Installation Convocation28/11/2019


With some 25 Companions in attendance and despite; due to medical reasons; the absence of the MEZ,  the Chapter conducted a very good Installation, the MEZ Chair being taken by E. Comp. P. Sturdy the IPZ.

Our picture shows the Provincial Team, led by the Dep Grand Superintendent, E. Comp. Michael D Cox, PAGSoj, accompanied by E. Comps: Rev'd J. T Parker, PGStdB, Acting as 2nd Prov G Principal, and B. J Griffin, PGStdB, the Provincial 3rd G Principal who were very ably escorted by E. Comp. P. Webber, ProvADC.

The new Principals of the Chapter are E. Comps. P S J Marsh, Z, E. R. Holder, H and R.J. Harris, PPrGSwdB, returning to the J Chair some 16 years after being the MEZ.

The Chapter has excellent support from its very experienced "Back-benchers" and welcomed 2 Visitors who were  requested to take Office and 2 Prov. Officers of the Year.

Following the Convocation the Companions retired to the Festive Board where some £130.00 was raised for the Prov RA Charity Fund.