It was with a heavy heart, after 75 years of dedicated service to the Order, that the Principals, E. Comps: Julian Lowe, PPrGSoj, MEZ, Bill Huband, PZ, H and Ron Morris, PPrGSoj, J, together with E. Comps; Lou Williams, PPrGReg, PS, and Rob Collins, PPrAGSoj, SE, in company with the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E. Comp. John Phenix, met at Halesowen Masonic Hall, due to the closure of their Home, Wellington Road, Dudley, to conduct their Final Convocation and Surrender the Warrant.
Due to the "Rule of Six," E. Comp. David Morgan, PZ, who had carried out a huge amount of work to bring the Chapter to such a sad but well organised close, was unable to attend.
Over the past year the Chapter has donated over £400 to Whitehouse Cancer Support and have agreed a similar amount from the final Charity Account monies.
The members were the first to purchase our new Worcestershire Royal Arch Ritual Book.