The MEZ, E. Comp. Peter Faulds kindly invited a Provincial team, comprising E. Comp's. Michael D. Cox, PGSwdB, Deputy G. Supt., A. John Yeates, PAGSoj, Prov H, and Rev'd Justin Parker, PGStB, PPrGJ, escorted by E. Comp. Tim Jones, PGStB, Prov. DC, to dedicate a new Pedestal and Tracing Board at their Regular Convocation on Thursday 25th November, 2021 at Evesham Masonic Hall, Swan Lane, in what is beloeved to be the first such Ceremony in our Province.
The Pedestal had been sign written by E. Comp. Jphn Sermon,PPrGSN

and the Tracing Board had been produced by Comp. Peter Merris

32 Companions were present to witness this unique and historic event, organised as part of their Centenary Celebrations by E. Comp. Richard Harper, PPrGSwdB, the Chapter Scribe E, with the Dedication Ceremony both written and presented by E, Comp. Rev'd. Justin Parker, PGStB,PPrGJ in his usual interesting and informative way and included a beautiful Oration. Thanks to the presence of E. Comp. Bill Sherlock, PAGSoj, PPrGJ, at the organ the accompanying hymns were sung with gusto.
The opportunity was also taken to present a Supreme Grand Chapter Certificate before the Convocation closed and moved to an excellent Festive Board where the Alms collection raised £172. 00 to be donated to the Royal British Legion via the Evesham Masonic Charitable Trust and matched fundiung also applied for from the Provincial Royal Arch Charity Fund. It concluded a very special evening amd will long be remembered by all those in attendance.