On Monday 20th December the Companions of Remembrance Chapter, along with a large contingent of guests, met at KingsHeath for their regular convocation.This was no ordinary convocation though………….
Not only did the chapter install E.Comp. Jamie Sheehan as Third Principal they also celebrated 50 years of service to Royal ArchFreemasonry by E.Comp. Bill Sherlock, PAGSoj, Past Third ProvincialGrand Principal.
Showing the commitment and skill that we all recognise in E.Comp. Bill Sherlock, he delivered an exemplary ceremony for the incomingThird Principal much to the delight of all present. This was complemented by alovely address to the newly installed companion by the Third Provincial GrandPrincipal – E.Comp. Keith Evans PGStB.
E.Comp. Andy Roxburgh then presented a most interesting overview of E.Comp. Bill Sherlock’s life and times, from initiation in India to Exaltation in Warwickshire, and becoming the founding MEZ of RemembranceChapter to Third Provincial Grand Principal in 1998. A truly remarkable historyof a remarkable companion!
The MEGS then presented E.Comp. Bill with a framedCertificate to commemorate the occasion having first reminisced on his own personal memories of happy times spent in his company.
The Companions then joined their ladies and other guests to enjoy an excellent Christmas dinner during which E.Comp. Barry Griffin PGStB,Past Third Provincial Grand Principal, provided some entertainment and the evening concluded with a selection of carols.

The Members of the Chapter with the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent