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Provincial Annual Convocation

Thursday1st October

October 4, 2020

On Thursday 1st October the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent and his Senior Team met at Kidderminster Masonic Hall, in accordance with Government and UGLE/SGC guidelines, to conduct the Annual General Convocation of Provincial Grand Chapter, which had been held over since April.

The MEGS had pleasure in re-appointing E. Comps: Michael D. Cox, PGSwdB, as Deputy Grand Superintendent, A. John Yeates, PGStdB, as Second and Barry J Griffin as Third Provincial Grand Principals.

He also confirmed the Provincial Appointments and Promotions that had been awarded in April.

To form the quorate E. Comps: Brian R Harper, PGStdB, ProvGSE, Timothy M L Jones, PGStdB, ProvDC, and Cecil, G, Cariss, PGStdB, PastPrGSE also attended.

The Convocation confirmed all of the administrative matters that had to be dealt with in accordance with the Summons.