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Provincial Grand Chapter Convocation 2018

At the College Hall, Worcester Cathedral

The annual meeting of Provincial Grand Chapter took place this year at College Hall at Worcester Cathedral, followed by lunch at The Old Palace adjacent to the Cathedral


See below for the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent's Address and scroll further down the page to see this year's Appointments and Promotions.

M.E.G.S. Address

"Companions, once again a very warm welcome to you all. It is wonderful to see so many of you here this morning. I am delighted that so many remembered we have moved and managed to find our new venue.

Once again an especial welcome to all our distinguished visitors; you are all very busy Masons and we really appreciate you giving of your time to attend.

I am, as you can imagine, delighted to be with you again this morning. I do apologise for missing last year's meeting and perhaps now everyone will stop telling me how well my Deputy performed and that it was the best meeting for several years. I take consolation in knowing how well I have trained him!

"E. Comp Michael Taylor has carried out his duties in an exemplary manner"

I start by congratulating all the Companions who received promotion or appointment this morning. I trust by now that you know this is reward for future efforts as well as past endeavours.

We also congratulate those Companions honoured at SGC this past year:

  • E Comp Bill Sherlock promoted to Past Assistant Grand Sojourner
  • John Crowther and Alan Robertson appointed P.G.St.B.
  • and Our new Third Provincial Grand Principle who will be appointed to P.G.St.B. in 12 days' time.

I must thank all the Provincial officers who have supported the Presiding Officer at the installation meetings throughout the Province. It is greatly appreciated by the Team as well as by the Chapters.

Companions, recruitment of new members is as ever an important activity in which we must all be involved. Last year we introduced the Talking Heads Presentation. I do hope that you have or will take the opportunity to see this presentation - Companions it works! Every event has lead to new recruits - at Remembrance Lodge last month 3 Exaltees signed up on the night.

"...we all want new members but we have to work to find them..."

Companions finding new recruits is not something someone else does; we all want new members but we have to work to find them. I strongly urge you to take advantage of the opportunity which Talking Heads offers to strengthen our Chapters. We are all responsible

I thank you all for the tremendous support you have given the Provincial Charity Fund. You will see from the accounts that the Fund is growing well. Let me tell you where your moneys are going.

I am sure you will agree that all these causes deserve our support. Please carry on with your good work.

I do thank E Comp John Wright for all his efforts, guidance and support

Today we saw the installation of a new Provincial Executive.

I must thank E Comp John Crowther for his efforts as 3rd Provincial Grand Principle. John has carried out his duties to the highest standard and has been a pleasure to work with.

We have also seen the installation of a new Deputy. I have been very fortunate to have had 2 superb Deputies. E Comp Michael Taylor has carried out his duties in an exemplary manner and I thank him most sincerely for his wise council and advice. But most of all his friendship.

Therefore we have 3 companions taking on new responsibilities. They are all skilled and experienced and I know that they will fulfil their new roles with proficiency.

Every Masonic unit has to have a Treasurer by law. I do not have just an "accountant" but a very valuable member of the Executive. Thank you Alan for all your valuable advice and guidance.

No Province can function without the support of a number of Companions and I would like to now thank those whose work can go unnoticed.

Today's meeting cannot have taken place without a huge amount of work by the Prov Grand Scribe E, the Prov Grand Registrar and all their assistants and volunteers. Any Provincial meeting requires an immense amount of organisation and moving to what is 2 new venues only increases the workload.

I am very fortunate to have an excellent Grand Director of Ceremonies. I thank him for all his invaluable assistance throughout the year and together with his team particularly for today.

Another Companion who works tirelessly for us all is E Comp Ian Fothergill. He not only manages what goes on to our Website but of course is responsible for Second Rising, our Provincial newsletter. Communication in any organisation is of great importance and Masonry is no different.

We thank you Ian for all you do.

I cannot end without thanking E Comp Irving Horne, our Prov Grand Organist. He not only supports the Province on all occasions but acts as organist for so many Chapters. Following my brief sojourn into organ playing last year, I think we can agree your position is safe.

Companions I am constantly encouraging you to enjoy your Royal Arch Masonry. I am pleased that you are listening to my please. In fact Companions only last week I saw a Companion smiling during a Chapter meeting.

Companions let us never forget that we should have but one aim in view - to unite in the grand design of being happy ourselves and communicating happiness.

Thank you for listening."

Appointments and Promotions

As outlined in the book of Constitutions, The Grand Superintendent shall hold an Annual Convocation at which the appointment of Provincial Grand Officers shall be made. He may also hold such other Convocations of Provincial Grand Chapter as he shall consider necessary.

All such Convocations shall be held within the Province unless a dispensation is granted by the First Grand Principal.

Recipients of 2018's Appointments and Promotions are as follows:

Deputy Grand Superintendent J. M. Phenix P.A.G.Soj 4935
Provincial Second Principal A. J. Yeates P.G.St.B. 564
Provincial Third Principal J. T. Parker P.Pr.A.G.Soj. 377
Scribe E C.G. Cariss P.G.St.B. 377
Scribe N J.W. Whiteley Prov.D.G.D.C. 1097
Treasurer A.T. Robertson P.G.St.B. 4001
Registrar R.J. Foster Prov.G.Reg. 280
Director of Ceremonies T.M.L. Jones G.St.B. 560
Sword Bearer T.J. Smith P.Pr.G.St.B. 564
Dep. Director of Ceremonies D. Emery Prov.D.G.D.C. 5414
Dep. Director of Ceremonies M.J. Hadden Prov.A.G.D.C. 3308
Almoner C.M. Gwynn P.Pr.G.Reg. 1874
Charity Steward J.C. Wright P.Pr.G.Reg. 4621
Principal Sojourner M.J. Dykes 3308
1st Asst. Sojourner D.C. Harper 5743
2nd Asst. Sojourner M.J. Creighan 4935
Asst. Scribe E B.R. Harper P.Pr.G.St.B. 3185
Standard Bearer A.J. Smith 377
Standard Bearer C.F.D. Vendy 573
Standard Bearer P.S. Webber 3378
Standard Bearer D.L. Smith 9287
Organist I.J. Horne JP, P.Pr.G.Reg., LGCR 6889
Asst. Director of Ceremonies D.R. Shrimpton Prov.A.G.D.C. 4935
Asst. Director of Ceremonies A.C. Bolton P.Pr.G.St.B. 4001
Steward W.F.G. Tucker 280
Steward G. Ashcroft 529
Steward B.S. Rothero P.Pr.G.St.B. 3185
Steward M. Wainwright 4001
Steward A.J. Verduyn 6031
Janitor S.P. Warner P.Pr.G.Swd.B. 560
P.Prov.Asst.G.Soj. P.J. Broughton 3378
P.Prov.Asst.G.Soj. R.N. Collins 5028
P.Prov.Asst.G.Soj. P.F. Wilkes 7214
P.Prov.G.St.B. D. Denton 252
P.Prov.G.St.B. I.E. Redfern 560
P.Prov.G.St.B. B.W. Hughes 564
P.Prov.G.St.B. C.M. Henderson 1204
P.Prov.G.St.B. P.R. Barker 1874
P.Prov.G.St.B. B.P. Newbury 3569
P.Prov.G.St.B. P.G. Dillistone 5583
P.Prov.G.St.B. M.W. Lee 6595
P.Prov.G.St.B. C.A. Smith 6879
P.Prov.A.G.D.C. C. Ash 1097
P.Prov.A.G.D.C. P.J. Merris 3308
P.Prov.A.G.D.C. A.M. Sinton 6595
P.Prov.A.G.D.C. F. Walters 9169
P.Prov.G.S.N. R.J. Foster 280
P.Prov.G.S.N. R. Hall-Jones 1204
P.Prov.G.S.N. C.M. Gwynn 1874
P.Prov.G.S.N. M.L. Preece 1874
P.Prov.G.S.N. G. Bird 2034
P.Prov.G.S.N. A. Hunt 3185
P.Prov.G.S.N. G. Didlick 5414
P.Prov.G.S.N. I.T. Sharratt 6031
P.Prov.G.Reg. R.S. Gale 1874
P.Prov.G.Reg. L.A. Mowatt 4495
P.Prov.G.Reg. K. Blizzard 4935
P.Prov.G.Reg. N.J. Evans 5414
P.Prov.G.Reg. P.A. Wintle 7679
P.Prov.G.Swd.B. L.C. Keen 280
P.Prov.G.Swd.B. B.W. Kettle 377
P.Prov.G.Swd.B. I. White 2034
P.Prov.G.Swd.B. A.K. Jones 3638
P.Prov.G.Swd.B. R. Clee 4001
P.Prov.G.Swd.B. P.L. Wong 5056
P.Prov.G.Swd.B. W.M. Caswell 5743
P.Prov.G.Swd.B. M.L. Thomas 6879
P.Prov.G.Swd.B. J.L. Overton 7961
P.Prov.G.Swd.B. G.D. Evans 9169
P.Prov.G.Soj. G.E. Hudspit 529
P.Prov.G.Soj. M.J. Derry 4621
P.Prov.G.Soj. R.E. Grainger 6031
P.Prov.G.Soj. G.J. Swann 6116