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Provincial RA Charity Fund

Latest 2022 Donations

· News,Charity

Companions, At the latest meetiong of the Provincial Royal Arch Charity Fund Trustees the following donations were granted.

MollyOlly Wishes Charity Nominated by W Bro. Ed Baker PAGDC . he Charity supports children suffering from a raretype of cancer and their families. – Awarded £500.00 

Girl Guides Direct request from Isobel Davey for funds to enable Isobel to participate in an 8 country  Expedition with the Girl Guide Association – Awarded£100.00 

Wyre Forest Foodbank Nominated by E Comp. Tony Moody PPovGReg of The Chapter of Hope and Charity No 377 Funds required to continue the ongoing work and projects of the Charity in the local area of Kidderminster – AWARDED£500.00 

Primrose Hospice Bromsgrove A direct mailshot request for funds to support their activities and Hospice in the Bromsgrove locality – Awarded £500.00 

The Provincial Royal Arch Charity Steward regularly appeals for nominations from both Chapters and Individual members to support local charities in our Provincial area. If you can identify a small, local charity where £500 would make a considerable difference or if your Chapter is making its own donation don't forget the Province will Match Fund up to £100.