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Provincial Royal Arch Charity Fund

“Match Funding in Action”

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  • “Match Funding in Action”


    The initiative of the Provincial Chapter Charity Fund to “Match Fund” a Chapter’s alms donation, to a local charity or good cause, is seen in action here when the Chapter of Stability made a presentation of £200 to Discover U.


     Discover U is a charity working to help adults with learning disabilities (autism,downs syndrome, aspergers and acquired head injury) into employment.

    It operates by recycling wood, furniture and other materials turning them into 'shabby chic' items for sale and return any monies back into the charity in order to fund further projects..

    They also run a tea room in the Old Bakery on Bridgnorth Road in Wollaston and a market stall. 


    The Chapters’ MEZ, E Comp Graham Smith along with E Comp Mick Bayliss is shown here with Sarah, James Mike & Steve from Discover U.


    Companions All, please consider where your Chapters alms collections can be “Match Funded” by your Provincial Charity Fund because, together, we can make more of a difference.