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Recruitment, Retention and Re-joining

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Most of us will be familiar with the educational criteria of the 3 R’s (Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic, but of course to us it means, as the heading suggests, Recruiting, Retention and Re-Joining.

All of us have an individual responsibility to promote our Order and to ensure that all Master Masons are fully aware of the 4 steps that are required to complete the journey in Pure Ancient Freemasonry. To this end the Province have appointed a Lodge RA Representative in every Lodge and, Companions, make no mistake, this is not just a title it is perhaps the most important communication conduit we have between individual Craft Masons and Royal Arch Masonry.

Not only do we ask you to promote the Royal Arch at every Lodge Meeting, whether your name is on the Summons, you are asked to give a Report as part of the Agenda or perhaps you take the opportunity to raise the subject during the Third Risings, but we have now asked you to provide a report to your RA Coordinator. (There is at least one of these in every Masonic Building).
We would please request that you provide us with an end of Masonic Season Report answering the following questions:
1. How many Members in the Lodge?
2. How many are RA Members?
3. How many are currently subscribing
members of a Chapter?
4. How many Master Masons are in the Lodge and have yet to take the Final Step?

At the presentation of every Supreme Grand Chapter Certificate conducted by the Provincial Team, the officer carrying out the presentation will mention the “Indissoluble Link” between the Craft and Royal Arch Masonry and will further state that the Royal Arch really is the Foundation of the whole Masonic structure.

With this in mind let us therefore approach the new Masonic Year with an earnest intent to ensure that each and every one of us promotes the benefits of being a Member of the Order.

Companions, you are the ones who can ensure our future success and, if you find that you have no work to do in your Lodge and to avoid the oft repeated Order of Business ~” To receive a talk of Masonic interest” encourage your Lodge to contact E. Comp. Geoff Weston and book the “Talking Heads” team.

To date they have still to attend Northfield, Malvern and Tenbury Wells Masonic Centres and are always on the look-out for booking opportunities. All that is asked is that you do all that is possible to maximise attendance by inviting other Lodges and Craft Masons to join you.

In conclusion, enjoy your Summer and return refreshed to continue to enjoy our wonderful Order.
Editors Footnote:
Companions, to be successful any communications media needs to be two-way.
Please forward any information that you believe would be helpful to the Provincial Information Officer:
E. Comp. Ian Fothergill.