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Semper Fidelis C529

Installation Convocation 15.04.2019


The Convocation took place at Rainbow Hill, Worcester and was a unique occasion for the Province given that the 3 Principals, E. Comp's Neil Nicholls, Z, Keith Evans, H and Dr. Andrew Horne, J, had recently been Installed as the Principals of Wyche Chapter which, sadly, returned it's Warrant in February.

This however has prompted the start of a new era for Semper Fidelis and some 36 Companions were in attendance to take part in and witness this ceremony. This included the New Provincial Team on their First night out, our Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E. Comp. John M Phenix accompanied by E. Comp's.. A John Yeates, PGStB, Prov H and Barry J Griffin, PGStB, Prov J escorted by E. Comp. Alan Bolton.

The Deputy Grand Superintendent was also in attendance with a CM Holder and 3 recently appointed Provincial Officers.

The Chapter Proposed a Candidate for Exaltation with two more in the pipeline and welcomed a Joining Member.

The Chapter also made a generous donation to the RACF in aid of the 2022 Festival which included funds from the closure of Wyche Chapter.

Overall it proved to be an excellent Convocation finished off with a First Class Festive Board.