On Wednesday 12th April some 19 Companions convened at The Masonic Hall, Rainbow Hill, Worcester for the Chapter's Annual Installation Convocation.
The Deputy Grand Superintendent, E. Comp. Michael Cox, PGSwdB, was accompanied by E. Comp's Barry Griffin, PGStdB acting as 2nd Provincial Grand Principal and Keith Evans, PGStdB the 3rd Provincial Grand Principal attending his last Installation in that capacity.
The Installation saw E.Comp's Matt Rochelle, PPrGSwdB and Kevin Hall Installed as MEZ and H and Comp. Bill Hoe Installed as J.
The picture shows the Provincial Installation Team with the 3 Principals, accompanied by E. Comp's Brian Harper, PGStB,Prov. Grand Scribe E and Royston Foster, PGStdB, the Chapter Scribe E.