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"Talking Heads" at Weatheroak Lodge

Tuesday 19th March 2019

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On Tuesday 19th March the Provincial Presentation Team will be presenting "Talking Heads" at Weatheroak Lodge, which meets at Moseley Masonic Hall, Alcester Road South, Kings Heath..

This is an ideal opportunity for Lodge Chapter Representatives in the Kings Heath Lodges to encourage their Master Masons to attend. To date the Presentations at Kings Heath have not been as widely supported as they should  and it is requested that a "major" push is made to encourage  prospective Candidates or Master Masons who need to not only discover but fully appreciate the importance of taking the Fourth Regular Step in Ancient Freemasonry.

All will be made extremely welcome.

All requests for a copy of the Summons and Bookings should be made to the Lodge Secretary whose details are in the Year Book.