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Talking Heads Team cross the Borders

The Worcs. Provincial Team on a Mission

January 14, 2020

On Monday 13th January The MEGS, E. Comp. John M. Phenix, together with E. Comp's Geoff Weston, PDep.GS, Barry Griffin, Prov.G.J., Tim Jones, Prov. DC and E.Comp. Simon Rogers, all of the Talking Heads team visited Aldridge Lodge No. 7921 in Aldridge Masonic Hall to witness the Staffordshire Talking Heads team deliver their presentation. The Worcestershire team were there on a fact finding mission to see if their neighbours’ version had any ideas they could adopt. Richard Parrott, 2nd Provincial Grand Principal, Andy Brittle, 3rd Provincial Grand Principal, E.Comp. Howard Alcock and E.Comp. Taff Harris were there to entertain and educate in the Lodge room. The Worcestershire contingent all enjoyed watching other people do the work for a change.  Afterwards they enjoyed a very convivial Festive Board.