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The Provincial Team at the Foodbank

A busy Monday in November

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Working in the Community by the Second Provincial Grand Principal:

The famous five became the famous four as unfortunately ,due to a fall at home, the MEGS was unable to join his Executive on Monday 28 November at the Black Country Foodbank in Brierley Hill. After a full induction, the team set to work sorting out the food stuffs , writing on the expiry dates and getting it onto the shelves at the warehouse ready for delivery. During the course of the morning the team visited the Brierley Hill Project to make a delivery and to see the great work by this Project in getting the food to those in need . After a
collection from Sainsburys and more work around the warehouse the volunteering came to an end all too soon. A truly insightful and humbling experience and one which will live long in the memory of those attending .