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White Ensign Chapter No. 9169

Installation Convocation Tuesday 4th December 2018


On Tuesday 4th December some 54 Companions gathered at Redditch to celebrate the Annual Installation of White Ensign Chapter. On this occasion however, it was a very special occasion as it was the last official visit of the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E. Comp. Colin P T Brown prior to his retirement.

The title of the song “Oh what a Night” is probably very apt for what took place. The Chapter was graced not only with the presence of the current MEGS, but had 2 Past Grand Superintendents, the Deputy Grand Superintendent and two Past Deputies and 9 other Grand Officers, together with a galaxy of Provincial Officers in attendance. This must be some sort of record for a normal Chapter Installation. The Chapter welcomed back the Consecrating Grand Superintendent, E. Comp. Richard Price, an Honorary Member, and someone who assisted the move to Redditch 6 years ago, the Past MEGS of Warwickshire, E. Comp. John Saint.

Added to this we had the Deputy Grand Superintendent, John M Phenix, an Honorary Member and who was an ADC at our Consecration, and the Past Deputy E. Comp. Mike Taylor, PGSwdB, who was the Consecrating Joshua and who is also an Honorary Member.

The Provincial Team did a superb job, in traditionally Opening the Chapter. This wonderful tradition is something this Province should be very proud of.

The Chapter was delighted to see E. Comp. Frank Walters, PPrAGDC, finally Installed into the Z Chair and were grateful to E. Comp’s David Crump, H, and Martin Green, J, to agree to serve a second year in their respective offices.


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