On Thursday 21st February 2019 after some 51 years as an active Chapter the Companions had taken the decision that the Chapter was no longer viable and had agreed to Surrender their Warrant.
Whilst they have established their own unique history during this period they have taken the decision to become Joining Members of one of the oldest Chapters in the Province , Semper Fidelis No. 498, thus securing what is hoped will be a long and lasting revived Chapter.
One long lasting legacy of this Conclave is, and will be long remembered by those present, the superb presentation of the New Mystical Lecture delivered by E. Comp. Neil Nicholls, MWS. It was a flawless piece of work.
Whist in many ways it was a sad occasion the Conclave was conducted in an excellent fashion with some 31 Companions in attendance, including the Deputy Grand Superintendent in Charge who, at the Closing of the Chapter, reluctantly accepted their Warrant.
During the Meeting the Chapter announced the disbursement of their Charity Fund, which was magnificently added to by the sum of £150 at the most enjoyable Festive Board.
As stated a sad occasion but one that will be long remembered by all those present.

Our picture shows, from Left to Right as Viewed, E. Comp. Keith M Evans, PGStB, H, E. Comp. John M Phenix, PAGSoj, DepGS in Charge, E. Comp. Neil P Nicholls, MWS and E. Comp. Dr. Andrew C Horne, PPrGReg, J.