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Bromsgrove Chapter C 5414

Installation Convocation 19/09/2019


The Chapter held its Installation Convocation at the Kidderminster Masonic Centre on Thursday 19th September to witness the Induction of the 3 Principals for the forthcoming year.

E. Comp.'s R Noakes, PPrGStB, as Z, E Comp N J Evans, PPrGSwdB, as H and E Comp K Parkes, PPrDGDC (Warks) as J. 

It is with grateful thanks from the Province that the Principals and Past Principals are offering their continued support to the Chapter, which has certainly struggled since its move from Bromsgrove.

The very good news is that not only was a Candidate Proposed but also a Joining Member and we look forward to the Chapter strengthening its position in its new home.

At the Festive Board the Alms collection was in aid of the Provincial Royal Arch Charity Fund.