Provincial Grand Chapter
of Worcestershire
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Provincial Grand Chapter
of Worcestershire
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Provincial Grand Chapter
of Worcestershire
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2024年10月27日Read more...Vernon Chapter 560 - On Friday the 15th of November as part of their Diamond celebration are throwing open the doors for a Red Table evening and inviting all Craft members who would like to attend to learn more. The Chapter will open, deal with its business and close, then open it's doors for...2024年5月8日Read more...The Installation Convocation of the Chapter will be held at the Kings Heath Freemasons Hall, Alcester Road South, Kings Heath, Birmingham, B14 6DT on the date shown. The main items of Business are: a. To present a Supreme Grand Chapter Certificate to Comp. Mark J. Barber. b. To Induct E....2024年4月25日Read more...The next regular Convocation of the Chapter will be held at Kings Heath Freemasons’ Hall, 221 Alcester Road South, Kings Heath, Birmingham B14 6DT, on the date shown. The main items of Business are. a) To Proclaim, as Joshua for the current year, E.Comp T.Dean PPrGSoj. b) To Invest other...More PostsIn memoriam
Click here to read the list of departed companions The custom of paying a parting tribute of respect to departed merit derives from a deep-seated and most natural feeling in the human heart. So it is with great sadness we report here the passing on of Worcestershire Royal Arch Masons. They will all be greatly missed.
2023年12月21日Read more...It is with great sadness we advise you of the passing to the Grand Lodge above of Excellent Companion Neville Moores ANDREWS, PPrGSN, on 09 December 2023 E. Comp. Neville was an honorary member of Abbot Lichfield Chapters 3308 and Avon Chapter 3569. We send our Sincere Condolences to his...2023年10月19日Read more...The Funeral Service and Thanksgiving for the Life of Ex. Comp. Allan Jinks. PGStdB.will take place on Friday , 03rd November 2023 at 11:00 am at St Mary, St Giles & All Saints Church, Brockhurst Lane (off London Road)Canwell.Sutton Coldfield. B75 5SL PLEASE NOTE: Parking is limited at the...Read more...The custom of paying a parting tribute of respect to departed merit derives from a deep-seated and most natural feeling in the human heart. So it is with great sadness we report here the passing on of Worcestershire Royal Arch Masons. They will all be greatly missed. January 2022 - 2023 E....News Archive
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